With ABCDuchamp, The exhibition to understand Marcel Duchamp, discover in a fun way the life and work of the most important artist of the 20th century.
Through the unexpected form of an alphabet, and a child-parent journey full of surprises, everything becomes easier! Like a mischievous magician Duchamp puts mustaches on the Mona Lisa, hypnotizes us with his optical machine, and puts the museum in a suitcase ... In Europe, only the Museum of Fine Arts in Rouen will offer you this summer a great commemorative exhibition, at the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the artist. A must see !
Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) / Georges de Zayas (1898–1967), Emmanuel Rudzitsky, dit Man Ray (1890-1976) La Tonsure, 1921. Tirage original. © Association Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris 2018 © MAN RAY TRUST / ADAGP, Paris 2018 © TELIMAGE, Paris 2018
Find all the programming around the ABCDUCHAMP exhibition:
Download the activity brochure here
A dedicated children's journey :
This journey through the exhibition is doubled by a child course that has been the subject of special care.
Contrary to the adage popularized by Alfred de Musset in his comedy It is necessary that a door be opened or closed, Duchamp sets up in his workshop of the street Larrey a unique door between the room and the bathroom, thus inventing the door open and closed since when the door is used to close one of the two rooms, it opens the second de facto.
The children visiting the exhibition ABCDuchamp will see their path punctuated by nine of these doors, each constituting a station for a workshop around a theme related to Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), Fresh Widow, Réplique en 1964. Royaume-Uni, Londres, Tate Collection. Photo (C) Tate, Londres, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Tate Photography © Association Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris 2018
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