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Jardin / Marbre (‘Garden/Marble’)

Artist's studio, Laversine

François Rouan

Date : 1976-1977 | Medium : Painting with egg, oil and glaze on woven canvas

Taking as a starting point two canvases cut up into thin strips, François Rouan creates a third one by weaving the two together.

Here the artist drew inspiration from the group of nine dancers inside the city of Siena featured on the eastern wall of Lorenzetti’s Allegory of Good and Bad Government. As they weave their way through the streets, they bring up mixed feelings in the viewer. Although they are dancing, their solemn air could be designed to invoke fear and cast doubt on the peace.

The weaving gives the figures vibrancy and adds to the disquiet felt by the viewer.

The artist also borrows the technique of trattegio from the fresco, recognisable by the many tiny strokes that make up the ground of the picture.



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