La ronde #4
Your contemporary art meeting
For the fourth consecutive year, La Ronde (“The Round”), a great contemporary art manifestation from the Normand territory, comes back. Just like in 2017 and 2018, based on a project call launched through France, the Metropolitan museums and their partners will exhibit the work of contemporary artists, renowned or emerging: sculpture, drawing, photography, installations, ceramic, performance… All forms of contemporary creation will be present and, during two months, the visitors will be able to discover, through different courses among the permanent collections, many exclusive artworks. This year, a new version of La Ronde’s revue will cover, apart from the projects presented for this exhibition, the entire actuality linked to contemporary art in the museums.
SIMON BOUDVIN, La troisième calamité (The third calamity)
Simon Boudvin works and lives in Bagnolet. However, his practice does not lie in his workshop. If one word would guide his practice, it would be “outside”. He brings back various materials from outside that he exhibits as is. He photographs or sometimes describes them, according a particular attention to cities, architectures, mutations of the territory. Simon Boudvin teaches at the École nationale supérieure de Paysage.
The Secq des Tournelles museum presents a wide collection of smithy objects in an old church. Simon Boudvin intends to create a dialogue with a recent work of his: a graphic statement with window grids he encountered in Hanoi. His cartels, photographs, texts, report the work of locksmiths and the question of styles shared between artists and craftsmen. “In Hanoi, the design of the grid is never alike, but it answers to the same geometrical logic. It is a game between the circles and the parallels. Tangents, intersection, subtraction. The rules are simple and the variations free. The locksmiths – Free from the architects’ drawings, the owners’ will who do not have an opinion on such futile details – vary the possibilities respecting the same constructive language. A style is born out of their way. They transform the streets into a graphic art gallery, where each grid is different but similar to its neighbour.” (S.B. 27/10/16). Simon Boudvin’s researches in Hanoi benefited from the support of the « Hors les murs » (Out of the walls) programme from the Institut Français (French Institute) in 2016.
Simon Boudvin, La Troisième calamité, Affiche Hanoï, 2016
La Ronde is also:
- At the Fine-Art Museum, the photographic series All Star by Valérie Belin and a set of sculpture by Rina Banerjee, in partnership with the Natalie Obadia Gallery Paris/Bruxelles ; Les nuages by Victor Cord’Homme, a project carried by La Maison des Arts of Grand Quevilly
- At the Antiquity museum, an installation by Sophie Dubosc
- At the Ceramic museum, L’arc-en-ciel géant Tagadaaaa… by Charlotte Coquen
- At the Natural History museum, Arnaud Caquelard’s installation De mémoire, in the continent gallery
- At the Fabrique des Savoirs : The photographic series of Stracci de Stefano
- At the National museum of Education (exhibition centre), carte blanche to the youth illustrator Arnaud Nebbache
- At the Hangar 107, the work of Tania Mouraud